

03 Jan

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Operation: Orphix Venom today on https://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

23 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Going to do some Orphix Venom performance profiling this afternoon on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

20 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Operation: Orphix Venom today on https://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

18 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We've been chasing this -- it's caused by a corrupt Steam\config\config.vdf -- find your SDL_GamepadBind block and delete it (it'll be massive -- maybe polluted with redundant entries because of Steam Beta? not sure).

Not sure yet why it's breaking the launcher though.

13 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Tricky decision today on twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse   1700.jpg

11 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

Glen, the latest patch has lessened my issue somewhat. I can no longer reproduce this problem in DX12 + Enhanced Engine + VSYNC if VSYNC is set to AUTO instead of ON. Previously, on/auto resulted in the same behavior.

It's still nowhere near as smooth as VSYNC on, but at least I can see high GPU utilization (As expected) and framerate.

Ok great - TBH I think there's still some dynres latency on Dx12 that doesn't belong but we'll get there.

10 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

The hotfix that was just released should have fixes for all known DX12 driver crashes. We'll be watching to see if there are any more and then starting to work on the shader-upload stalls.

Spoke too soon; we _just_ found 2 more small crashes. We'll probably get another stage of Dx12 changes out next week.

Edited by [DE]Glen

07 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 2020-12-05 at 3:05 AM, Sahysa said:

There are no pending updates.  2020-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB4586830) was installed on 11/29.

I purged my drivers (DDU in safe mode) and installed these again with the clean install box checked.  Bios version is latest since 2018 (Skylake)

I attempted to run DX12 again with Steam and Statistics overlays disabled and it still crashes.  WAR-2977222

Not sure what more I can do. I don't have a live boot version of windows handy for this hardware.  You said this is rare: its not just my system? Is it?

Ok, we've narrowed this down to a problem on systems that are still running "vintage" Windows -- the other explanation might be a simple limitation of your GPU. In either case the next hotfix will have a workaround for this.

06 Dec

04 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
2 hours ago, Sunny_Moon said:

So, i got an issue: Warframe crashes in Dx 12 mode when entering the Login screen but my changes to the EE.cfg file are always reverted when i start the launcher therefore i can't provide a .bin file (the EE file gets deleted on launcher start and a new file is generated), the latest WAR number is WAR-2979714. The warframe process is definetly not active before i edit the file. Any Suggestions?

That crash is related to the discord overlay -- normally it works but maybe you're having problems with other overlays too (I see you have the steam overlay enabled too). Normally both of these cooperate but maybe you need to update them?

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks to @R4ndom we have discovered a DirectX-12 bug in the NZXT CAM overlay that can cause crashes; we are contacting them in the hopes of getting them to fix it but for now I'd recommend disabling the overlay:


    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
2 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

I'm not sure if this helps, but I am having repeated crashes on specifically fissure missions. Particularly, when a fissure spawns (whether on-screen or off-screen). The crash does not happen on every fissure though, only on fissures that happen at least 2 minutes into the mission. I am am on Intel HD Graphics though.

No crashes in Dx11 (not at first at least)

WAR-2981088 (latest)

We have a fix for that second one coming in the next patch.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
13 hours ago, Sahysa said:

WAR-2977222 (fresh)

This is very interesting thank you! This is one of our rare startup crashes!

It does smell driver related -- I know you're on very new drivers but there's a few things going wrong here:

- we're asking the driver to create a basic resource and it's saying "No such interface supported"

- your driver is also claiming to not support depth-bounds test and we know your card supports it

When's the last time you let Windows Update do its thing?

03 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 2020-11-28 at 8:29 AM, Jarriaga said:

No crashes, but this is a reproducible problem:


TYPE: In game
DESCRIPTION: VSync "caps" GPU utilization at 55%, severely limiting performance. DX11 uses as much of my 1070 as it can to hit 60FPS, and then triggers dynamic resolution. DX12 doesn't go beyond 55% GPU utilization and locks me down to 30FPS whenever it can't sustain 60FPS. Dynamic resolution doesn't seem to be triggering.  

VISUAL: Format -- GPU / Temp (Celsius)  / Utilization % / Memory usage %

1/3 -- DX11 Vsync ON 3840x2160 (71/98/46)

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    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

So far we've had some excellent help!

@R4ndom reproduced three graphics crashes and submitted the GPU dumps -- it's not clear what was wrong but he's going to try some more things for us!

@Srovy discovered a nasty VRAM corruption bug that could occur if you changed certain graphics settings in DirectX 12 -- a fix for that will be coming in the next hotfix.

@CrispLV managed to reproduce some strange rendering artifacts on landscape missions -- huge swathes of the land turning jet-black. Nobody here can reproduce and we suspect it might be specific to GTX 10x0 series cards in a certain config. If you see this while testing we're interested in your specs and settings!


    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
9 hours ago, Arcerinex said:

I've got a 1060 so I can give it a shot... Haven't had any crashes thus far. Any ways I could possibly try to make it crash?

  • Make a lot spawn in Cambion Drift?
  • Toss as many vortex grenades down as I can to create an artificial sun?
  • Organize a full Mirage team spamming Simulor?

I usually play it safe.

We've tried a lot of things to stress test the game to make it crash. Combat stress-test levels, levels with 182 random loadouts, etc -- I don't think the bug is something like that since we've tried quite a lot already.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
6 hours ago, Debbysheen said:

noice! i've tried DX12 some days ago and the only thing was that it is too choppy, maybe my pc wasn't strong enough, today i got a 3070, im gonna test it out this weekend and see what i can find.

This is WIP -- it smooths out the longer you play. We can optimize that but right now we're focusing on making it stable.

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
8 hours ago, Sahysa said:

"Too bad that nsight aftermath requires pascal (I have a 980) otherwise I would've helped xD"

Doubly so for me because I have the the crash on DX12 startup. 


If only you'd kept the WAR#

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:

Hi @[DE]Glen

Would this work to help isolate the cause of this behavior I reported


02 Dec

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Seasons Greetings, Tenno!

Warframe calls for aid!

First of all I want to shout-out to those of you already testing our beta DirectX 12 support! In the first week since launch we’ve turned around fixes for almost all of the crash-bugs thanks to your help!

At DE we have a leaderboard that helps us prioritize the most frequent and serious bugs. Right now, despite about only 1% of players using the beta...

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